Bank Court is a high-quality example of New Town architecture, it is situated opposite the strongest asset in the south area, the Jellicoe Water Gardens. The connection from the Jellicoe Water Gardens through Bank Court to the Marlowes shopping parade should be maximised and celebrated as the heart of the Town Centre.
Waterhouse Street and Bank Court should be reimagined to be an attractive destination for communities to enjoy the River Gade and Water Gardens, providing places to sit, eat, relax and play. Curating this space would redefine the Town Centre as a place to spend leisure time and be close to nature. This would enable Hemel Hempstead to compete with neighbouring towns and have a unique offer in the area.
The south area of the town centre includes some strategically important sites, including the Riverside and Marlowes shopping centres, Market Square and the Hospital site. Also important, the Paradise area has a design code to help shape the future change from light industrial to mixed-use area and provide a new entrance to the Town Centre for neighbouring communities.
The plan opposite shows possible future opportunities to deliver a new sustainable passenger network connecting Hemel Hempstead across Hertfordshire to Harlow, known as Hertfordshire Essex Rapid Transit (HERT). The future of Hemel Hempstead includes the town centre being the heart, which connects all areas with sustainable travel. Seamless end-to-end journeys contain no interchanges, a reality which can only truly be achieved through active travel. For all other journeys, Mobility Hubs can make the interchange process as comfortable and productive as possible, providing a convenient and safe space to enjoy whilst changing transport. The Mobility Hubs will be delivered across Hemel Hempstead at three levels: Metro, Local and Micro.