The future infrastructure need of the Town Centre community is being considered as part of the Dacorum Local Plan and will include education, health and sustainable transport. Co-working, employment space and residential are welcomed future land uses in the Town Centre.
The long north-south linear shape does not suit today’s needs as it overprovides retail floorspace and dilutes the main retail area around the Marlowes pedestrianised area. Improving the east-west links across the Town Centre allows the southern area to function as a consolidated core retail, cultural and leisure offer, with green spaces and a river to enjoy. There will be space across the town centre, this can be repurposed or developed to provide new uses and required infrastructure.
The Vision also includes increase densities and comprehensive redevelopment of sites, allowing more homes and commercial space to support a vibrant town centre. A future plan for parking, servicing and sustainable transport will help deliver this Vision.