Introducing the Hemel Hempstead Visual Expression Toolkit
The Hemel Hempstead Visual Expression has been created to reflect Hemel Hempstead’s themes and ‘Big Idea’. All future activity and communications will be driven by this place story.
Hemel Hempstead’s Visual Expression is made up of various elements including a unique Visual Language, Visual Identity, colour palette, typefaces and photography. We encourage you to make the widest possible use of this as you apply it across design, for events, in the public realm, as well as in print and marketing collateral etc: in this way you’ll create a coherent and consistent sense of place.
Our new Visual Language is a highly adaptable and evolving system, not just a static logo. In this toolkit we’ll show you multiple ways in which the Hemel Hempstead Visual Expression can be used – please always use this guide to retain quality and consistency. Use the spirit found in Hemel Hempstead’s ‘big idea’ to think in a fresh and organic way, celebrating the young saplings and energised entrepreneurs.
Download our visual language
Download our visual language, the visual identity, the fonts and toolkit.