Our Town Centre Vision
Reinvention and re-imagination
The opportunities presented by repurposing the High Street; the quirkiness of the old town; the success of Maylands; the amazing green and blue infrastructure; the potential of the Garden Communities; the regeneration of Two Waters and Apsley and the relationship with London place Hemel Hempstead in an enviable position.
Hemel Hempstead is on a journey of place-led renaissance predicated on people not buildings, animation not architecture, all driven by a desire of differentiation in how it develops and how it acts.
Read more about our Think Hemel visual identity.

Hemel Place Board

The Maylands Masterplan is a forward-looking strategy designed to transform Maylands Business Park in Hemel Hempstead into a vibrant, sustainable,

Following the success of the screen in the heart of the town centre to watch the Paris 2024 Olympic Games,

Partnership makes progress on Health Campus
Cabinet has recommended the allocation of £200,000 to fund our share of the costs for the next stage of feasibility