Hemel Place Board
The Hemel Place Board is a partnership of key stakeholders from the public, private and third sectors which have a strong presence in Hemel Hempstead and are key to the future success of the town.
The Board provides strategic direction for the town’s growth and prosperity activities through the development of a new Place Strategy for Hemel Hempstead. This strategy will set out a new Vision for Hemel Hempstead and will set out proposals for the regeneration and management of the town over the short, medium and longer term.
The Board is the strategic partnership to coordinate a wide ranging programme of projects that are due to take place within Hemel Hempstead over the coming years, including the future development and regeneration of the Town Centre and wider town, the delivery of the Herts IQ Enterprise Zone, the provision of essential infrastructure, the ambitious plans for the area’s economic development and interventions needed to address key social issues and ensure health and wellbeing. It will also form the interface between the existing communities within Hemel Hempstead and the new Hemel Garden Communities.
Underpinning all this is the need to tackle climate change and achieve a reduction in carbon emissions and to create a high quality environment for Hemel Hempstead which champions sustainable travel and provides excellent digital connectivity
The Board was established in November 2021, with the current Independent Chair, Bob Lane was appointed in January 2023 taking over the reigns from Andrew Percival. The Board meets on a quarterly basis in various locations across Hemel Hempstead.
Please contact us on thinkhemel@dacorum.gov.uk for further information.