As the strongest assets in the north area, it is key to maximise the Gadebridge Park, the Old Town High Street and the connection between them. The aim is for the Old Town High Street to take advantage of the large footfall in Gadebridge Park. Also, key assets and destinations are The Old Town Hall Theatre and West Herts College. Visitors, students and staff help to support the vibrancy of the town centre.
Furthermore, the Environment Agency’s project to realign the River Gade onto its original course (planned in 2023) will allow the river to flow through the middle of the park, enhancing the area. The Council owns The Bury and Civic Zone site, and both should be used to support this Vision. Cycleways are planned to run north-south throughout the town into The Nickey Line, a redundant railway route connected to Harpenden. Feasibility is underway for an electric bike hire scheme across the town, which would help improve connectivity across the town centre, whole of Hemel Hempstead and neighbouring towns. The north-south routes along the River Gade and The Marlowes need to be more attractive for pedestrians and cyclists to encourage connectivity between the Old Town and the New Town, in a space that should be safe, active and interesting.
The Maylands Business Park, in the east area of Hemel Hempstead, is close to the junction 8 of the M1, and its access through the road Queensway could be better improved with our vision of the town centre being well connected with all parts of Hemel. This way, employees visiting Maylands could easily visit the Old Town High Street or New Town for shopping or leisure.