Levelling Up Fund Bid for Hemel Hempstead

News | 16 August

On Tuesday the 2nd of August, Dacorum Borough Council submitted a Levelling Up Fund 2 bid to the government. It focuses on a series of high profile and exciting interventions to restructure the shape, look, and feel of Hemel Hempstead town centre.

The bid will secure a step-change in the quality of the public realm in Hemel Hempstead town centre. It will re-claim car dominated streets, prioritise cycling and walking, and celebrate Geoffrey Jellicoe’s design of a ‘city in a park’.

The bid includes public realm proposals for four opportunities areas in Hemel Hempstead town centre:

  1. Bank Court
  2. Waterhouse Street
  3. Upper Marlowes
  4. St Mary’s Square and the Old Town Hall

The submitted proposal will increase the vitality and viability of an underperforming town centre, incentivising economic activities and building prosperity. Providing enhanced facilities for walking/cycling, encouraging active travel and improving health, well-being and resilience of our communities, complemented by designs for the public realm that celebrate the culture and identity of the New Town providing opportunities for public art and increased biodiversity.


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